College Prep Guide: 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited to Start College

April 27, 2020 at 4:00 AM

Whether you're fresh out of high school or going back to school years later, starting college can be a nerve-wracking experience for everyone. In reality, a lot of these fears are based on common misconceptions and things you may be surprised to know are in your control! Want to know how to quell your fears about college? This straightforward college prep guide will help you turn those anxieties into things to look forward to. 

1. Meeting New People: We know that this is typically a source of anxiety, but there is so much to be gained by meeting new people. College is where many people can form new friendship groups based on common interests and chemistry, rather than out of cliquishness or convenience. 

2. Finding Community: Almost everyone else in your residence and classes have the same concerns and fears that you do. It's totally natural to be afraid that you won't fit in or won't adapt properly, but just remember that everyone is in this together. 

3. Accessing Scholarship Opportunities: Financial stress can be detrimental to both your studies and social life. However, a high-quality education consultant can provide you with all the details you need to apply for the scholarships and bursaries that suit your needs. 

4. Embracing Independence: Independence is one of the most notable reasons to look forward to college, especially for those moving out of their parent's house. You'll love the newfound independence that comes with things like getting your own groceries and having more of your own space.

5. Being In Control: That independence also applies to your college schedule! Unlike high school, college students have much more control over what classes they take and at what time. If you don't want to, you'll never have to wake up before 11 a.m. for a class ever again. 

6. Choosing Your College: You'll be even more excited to go to college if you get to go to the school of your dreams. Unsure if your GPA will get you where you want to go? Have no clue what your options are? An education consultant can help you find schools that meet your criteria.

7. Interesting Classes: We've all had those classes in high school that we hated but had to take anyway. With college, that's essentially a thing of the past. You'll be able to choose a program and individual classes that actually interest and excite you.

8. Avoiding Cliques: The immaturity and cliquishness of high school generally have no place in college. You'll find that both your professors and fellow students will be much less inclined to accept bullying or classroom disruptions as the norm. 

9. Making Connections: In college, you'll be able to meet like-minded classmates and industry professionals that can help you in pursuing the career of your dreams. 

10. Choosing Your Path: Your academic advisors and education consultants will be there to help you decide what degree best suits the career pathway you want to take, whether it be with a major, a minor or a double major. You don't have to make these stressful decisions on your own. 

Fulfill Your Potential With Educational Attainment Services

Ready to go beyond this college prep guide and make the most of your college experience? Educational Attainment Services can provide you with all the resources you need to take on your degree with confidence, such as financial aid, college search counseling, interview preparation and much more. 

To learn more, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone at (800) 706-4134, by email at or by filling out our online form.

We hope to hear from you soon.