Interviews can be stressful. Whether it’s for a job or college, you likely have a lot riding on the outcome so it’s easy to overthink your answers and how you present yourself. The key to any interview is knowing how to properly prepare. At Educational Attainment Services, this is one of our areas of specialty. Keep reading for some of our expert advice for college interview preparation.
Prepare to answer common questions
Most college interviews come with a set of standard questions that are asked to every interviewee. These are often basic questions where they’ll ask about your high school, some of your hobbies, what you like about the particular college, and so on. You should have answers prepared for these questions so you don’t have to think too hard about them. Make sure that your answers feel genuine and sincere without sounding too rehearsed.
Bring your own questions
After the interviewer has asked you their questions, they’ll turn to you and ask if you have any questions about the school. It’s a bad look to simply shrug your shoulders and say no. Make sure you have thoughtful questions prepared about the school. These can be in regards to campus activities and culture, available programs, specifically about a discipline you’re considering studying, and others. Show the interviewer that you want to know more about the school so you know exactly what you’re getting into with college.
Do your research
When you’re preparing for your interview, do research about the school. This will help you be able to hold a conversation about the school, answer any questions that might be asked about your understanding of what’s available, as well as assist you in formulating your own questions. Showing you researched the college will go a long way to showing an interviewer that you’re vigilant in choosing a school that’s right for you.
Practice with family and friends
You can prepare for your interview by having family and friends ask you questions that you might be asked. Make sure they touch on the common questions as well as make up a few of their own. These made-up questions don’t always have to be related to a college you’re considering, but should make you think. It’s good to get practice thinking on your feet and being able to formulate a thoughtful response on the fly.
Be the best version of yourself
Anytime you’re interviewing someone, you want to be the best version of yourself. This means that you present yourself confidently without being overconfident while also knowing when to listen. Be mature and professional without being stiff. Remember that the interviewer is there to get to know you and see if you’re a good fit for the school. They’re not there to trick you into giving wrong answers because they want the interview to go well, too.
Send a thank-you email
Sending a thank-you email shouldn’t be overlooked as an important part of any interview process. Let the interviewer know that you’re grateful for them taking the time to speak with you and to have had the opportunity to learn more about the school. Not only is a thank-you email a common courtesy for the interview, but it also helps to reaffirm your interest in the school and imprint your name into their mind. Make sure to keep it short and simple while highlighting one or two significant conversation points you shared as a specific reminder of who you are.
Work with Educational Attainment Services
If you’d like more practice with mock interviews or additional advice for college interview preparation, get in touch with us at Educational Attainment Services. We’re here to help you with your college admittance process and that includes your interview. You can reach out to us by calling 800-706-4134 or send a message using our contact form. We’re here to help you get on track for a bright future.